
Expected Games for a Player Taken Picks 11 to 30 from Age 33

Expected Games (XG) Calculation:
We look at the history of all players taken Picks 11 to 30 who were still on a list after age 33.
If you were to pick randomly from this group, you'd get something around the median of their future games (23.0).
We take that as the Expected Games (XG) of a player in this group.

Compare with XG for Other Groups
Player Future Games
Shaun Burgoyne 138
David Mundy 104
Isaac Smith 70
Shannon Hurn 64
Jack Riewoldt 64
Drew Petrie 63
Callan Ward 47
Rhyce Shaw 44
Harry Taylor 43
Robert Murphy 41
Steve Johnson 40
Brad Johnson 40
James Kelly 40
Barry Hall 39
Shane Edwards 38
Lenny Hayes 34
Steele Sidebottom 25
Shaun Higgins 23
Tom Lonergan 23
Scott Thompson 23
Median 23.0
Grant Birchall 23
Mitch Duncan 22
Nathan Fyfe 22
Robbie Tarrant 20
Jack Gunston 19
Adam Simpson 18
Jonathan Brown 11
Luke Shuey 10
Nathan Jones 8
Darren Glass 8
Ted Richards 8
Max Hudghton 7
Jamie Cripps 2
Lynden Dunn 2
Ryan Lester 2
Jack Darling 2
James Frawley 2
Tom Lynch 1
Cameron Guthrie 0
Brodie Smith 0