
2015 Trade for James Aish

See Other Trades in 2015
What Collingwood Gave What Collingwood Got
James Aish 50 games 157 XG
Pick 26 Ryan Clarke 97 games 729 points 47 XG
2016R2 (St Kilda)
(estimate: pick 23)
Willem Drew 109 games 815 points 57 XG
2 picks 0 players 206 games 1544 points 104 XG 0 picks 1 player 50 games 0 points 157 XG
What Brisbane Gave What Brisbane Got
James Aish 151 games 157 XG
Pick 26 Pick traded on to another club 729 points 47 XG
2016R2 (St Kilda)
(estimate: pick 23)
Pick traded on to another club 815 points 57 XG
0 picks 1 player 151 games 0 points 157 XG 2 picks 0 players 0 games 1544 points 104 XG